
blue electrical plug

What You Can Expect from Your 1-on-1 Sleep Consultation

My goal for you and your family is pretty simple: To get your little one sleeping through the night! To reach that goal gently AND quickly, we’ll be following a proven framework called “Sleep Sense” which has worked for over 100,000 parents (and counting!)

(Most of my clients see a dramatic improvement in the length and quality of their child’s nighttime sleep by just the second night, but please note that every child is different!)

Here's an outline of how we'll do it:

cute blonde child talking on a cellphone.

We will have an Evaluation call of 15 minutes. This is to help me understand what your sleep struggles are and which service will suit your needs the best to succeed.

money being put into a pink piggy bank

After you decided on your services/package and add-ons you can continue to make a payment.

lady typing on a laptop

By providing me with accurate and detailed information about your child’s sleep habits, I will be able to create a sleep plan to ensure our goals will be met.

lady on a laptop busy with an online meeting

We will meet via Zoom for a 60-90 minute consultation where I will take you through your sleep plan step by step so you can know exactly what to expect in the upcoming weeks

mom sitting with baby on her lap playing with a yellow toy

I will be there with you every step of the way. We will talk every day to make sure we are staying on track and that we are reaching the goals we set out in the sleep plan. Providing you with support and guidance throughout our journey together.

Baby sitting on bed with a graduation cap on

After your goals have been met, we will be celebrating with lots of happy dances! Your little one will receive their Graduation Certificate and I will be sharing additional material to help prepare you for future transitions.

Available Packages

Formal Sleep Training - Age: 5 Months - 8 years

Sleep package name 5000 degrees with a smiling baby in the background

5000 Degrees

  • Preliminary questionnaire and evaluation.
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 1:1 60–90 minute Zoom Consultation
  • 3 Weeks Support
  • Access to The Rested App
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs Twice a Day
  • Premium Goodbye Package
  • Safe Sleep Guidelines Document
  • Nursery Evaluation
  • **12 Months Support after Program Completion
Sleep package name Oasis with a smiling baby having his finger in his mouth in the background.


  • Preliminary questionnaire and evaluation.
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 1:1 60–90 minute Zoom Consultation
  • 2 Weeks Support
  • Access to The Rested App
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs Twice a Day
  • Goodbye Package
  • **3 Months Support after Program Completion
Sleep package name Quicksand with a crawling baby in the background


  • Preliminary questionnaire and evaluation.
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 1:1 60–90 minute Zoom Consultation
  • 2 Weeks Support
  • Access to The Rested App
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs Once a Day
  • Goodbye Package

Newborn Packages

Age: 0 - 16 Weeks

Having a newborn can be exhausting. Being prepared for it and being educated about it, can give you more insight and confidence.

I have done extensive research, spoke to several other Sleep Consultants, Doula’s and Lactation Consultants to put together this Newborn Guide. These materials are designed to provide education on newborn sleep, and provide tools to incorporate healthy sleep habits, managing feedings, colic and reflux, sleep regressions, safe sleep guidelines, day and night confusion, sleep stages and much more. My newborn program is not a formal sleep training program. Life with a newborn can get so busy, now you can read through this on your own pace when you have time, and I will be there for extra support. This is a game changer for any new or expecting parents and it also makes a great baby shower gift.

Sleep package name 5000 degrees with a smiling baby in the background

5000 Degrees

  • Surviving Newborn Sleep E-Book (40 Pages)
  • Newborn Sleep Guide (11 Pages)
  • Lifelong Access to The Rested App
  • 4 Follow up Email Support
  • Nursery Evaluation
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs
  • Premium Goodbye Package
  • Formal Sleep Plan (if needed)
  • Coaching and Support until baby is 7 months old
Sleep package name Oasis with a smiling baby having his finger in his mouth in the background.


  • Surviving Newborn Sleep E-Book (40 Pages)
  • Newborn Sleep Guide (11 Pages)
  • Lifelong Access to The Rested App
  • 4 Follow up Email Support
Sleep package name Quicksand with a crawling baby in the background


  • Surviving Newborn Sleep E-Book (40 Pages)
  • Newborn Sleep Guide (11 Pages)