Unplug and Sleep Better at Night.

blue electrical plug

Get ready for a better sleeping experience

Download my 5 essential tips that can effectively improve your little one’s sleep!

Will my baby cry?

It is completely understandable to have concerns about your little one’s well-being and emotional state. We all want what is best for our children, and their happiness and comfort are of utmost importance. 

My approach as a sleep consultant is having empathy and compassion, recognizing the unique needs and temperament of each baby. I prioritize gentle methods that aim to minimize distress and create a soothing environment for your little one.

While it is not uncommon for babies to experience some degree of protest or fussiness during the adjustment period, I firmly believe in finding a balance between teaching healthy sleep habits and providing comfort and reassurance. We will work closely together to create a customized plan that aligns with your parenting style and respects your baby’s emotional needs. 

My goal is to guide you through the process of establishing positive sleep routines and habits. I will guide you with gentle strategies, techniques and tools to help your baby feel safe, loved and supported throughout their sleep transitions. 

Every baby is unique and their response to changes in sleep routines may vary. I believe in finding solutions that not only promote healthy sleep but also nurture the special bond between you and your little one. 


Meet Elizca

Hi, my name is Elizca Bouwer, I have a bachelor’s degree in education specializing in Early years. I have been teaching children for 10 years in South Africa and in Bahrain (Middle East) from the ages 4-10 years old. While I was teaching, I have seen what a big impact it can have on children if they are not sleeping well. Setting up healthy sleep habits for your child is so important for growth, mood/emotions, and concentration that they need every single day. I have such a passion for children, teaching and education and for that reason I started Unplug Sleep Solutions.

I have done extensive training with Dana Obleman and is now a Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant.

I absolutely love helping tired parents transform into well rested happy parents, seeing and experiencing the joy with them through the journey we take together as a team to get their little one the rest they need. During our time together, I am going through all of the emotions with them and love celebrating with happy dances at the end.

"Happiness consists in getting enough sleep." - Robert A. Heinlein

blue electrical plug

Available Packages

Sleep package name 5000 degrees with a smiling baby in the background

5000 Degrees

  • Preliminary questionnaire and evaluation.
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 1:1 60–90 minute Zoom Consultation
  • 3 Weeks Support
  • Access to The Rested App
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs Twice a Day
  • Premium Goodbye Package
  • Safe Sleep Guidelines Document
  • Nursery Evaluation
  • **12 Months Support after Program Completion
Sleep package name Oasis with a smiling baby having his finger in his mouth in the background.


  • Preliminary questionnaire and evaluation.
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 1:1 60–90 minute Zoom Consultation
  • 2 Weeks Support
  • Access to The Rested App
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs Twice a Day
  • Goodbye Package
  • **3 Months Support after Program Completion
Sleep package name Quicksand with a crawling baby in the background


  • Preliminary questionnaire and evaluation.
  • Customized Sleep Plan
  • 1:1 60–90 minute Zoom Consultation
  • 2 Weeks Support
  • Access to The Rested App
  • Analyzing Sleep Logs Once a Day
  • Goodbye Package

After months of trying unsuccessfully to improve my son's sleep, I finally got in touch with Elizca. With her gentle guidance and support, we managed to fine tune our son's sleep schedule and teach him to go to sleep by himself and to sleep through the night! I am amazed at the results! Thank you for all the support and confidence you gave us to help our son sleep well!

– Ashleigh (9 month old son)